Friday, 27 April 2012

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

What have i learnt from my audience feedback?
I have been able to use many different websites to promote my final product and receive as much feedback as possible. Internet sites i have used include; facebook, twitter, youtube and survey monkey. The site i received most feedback from was facebook, posting my survey monkey onto my homepage enables all of my friends, and others, to see the survey and complete it. This means i am able to calculate big numbers and make sure my product is at its possible best.

This is just one example of how i was able to get feedback about my survey and product. This caption has come from my profile page on Facebook where hundreds of people are able to see, meaning i can get the maximum feedback possible and make my product the best it can be. Having a post like this means people are able to click onto the link and take the survey about my target audience or they are able to quickly give me help and advice in the comment box.

Another way that i received research about my target audience was from my focus group. My focus group was a group of 10 6-14 year old children. I was able to give them a questionnaire to fill out as this age group are not as likely as the older age group to see my survey online. This meant that i was able to get answers from the people that will be watching the programme more then anyone else. My focus group was able to tell me how my product was similar to others such as Drake & Josh which meant i was then able to go away and research about the other product to make sure that mine could compete in the industry with it. With the feedback i received from my focus group i was able to edit my camera work, change my mise-en-scene and make my sound the best it possibly can be. For example, i was told that the clothing of AJ should be changed so that he was wearing sports equipment. We then changed this and the character is now more easily related to.

Below you can see the survey i sent out to all the different social networking sites. I was able to embed it onto these sites so people can quickly answer the questions and then right away get back on with what they was doing. It makes it quick and easy for everyone and i am able to get responses as quick as possible.

Overall i feel that all of my methods of gathering information for my target audience has brought the maximum feedback i could have possibly got. I feel that the best way i got information in was through Facebook as this is where the most people were able to see the survey and complete it.

Final Video!

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Analysis of opening sequence using Media theories

I feel that this opening sequence represents all of the media theorists into how audience's see media. The first theorist I will use is Stuart Hall, he states about encoding and decoding and how the preferred reading of the text is encoded into the audiences. My personal preferred reading was a dominant one, as i have shared the texts code and accepted its preferred reading so i can understand what the opening sequence wants me to know and understand from what is being shown. The other responses possible include negotiated which means the audience understands the text's code and generally accepts the preferred reading but can modify it according to their own experiences. The final response that could be made is an oppositional response, meaning that the audience understands the code but rejects the preferred reading.

Another theorist into audiences is from Blumler and Katz, they explain how audiences have expectations which they expect to be satisfied by media texts. The four audiences needs are surveillance, personal identity, personal relationships and diversion. Surveillance tells us about the world around us and i feel that this opening sequence does this as we are able to see what the main characters get up to which means we want to keep watching into the programme. Personal identity influences how we see ourselves and our place in society, i feel that the introduction shows how the boys are seen in their own society and how they act, it relates back to the audience and they are able to compare themselves with the way the main characters live. The third is personal relationships, this is how we develop relationships with media characters. During the opening sequence we are able to see how the boys get into trouble all the time and how they go about their normal days so the audience can right away build a relationship with the characters and cause the audience to want to keep watching into the programme. The final audience need is diversion, which provides escapism from daily life. The introduction shown can cause the audience to relate back to their daily life as they may of tried to do things that the main characters do inside the intro or during the rest of the programme.

The final theorist into audiences come from David Morley who talks about social context, also known as the reception theory. He explains how the text will be seen depending on the audiences position in society, for me being still young i am able to straight away relate the the main characters during the introduction and i am able to react to this right away which makes me want to watch on and see what they want to get up to next. But having someone older then me or maybe even a female may change the way they see the opening sequence, they may find the programme not very funny at all and find it boring, but this is simply because they go throughout their life in a different way to mine and others that see it in a different way.